Monday 11 May 2015

Media Monitoring – Why, What & How

The process or action of actively reviewing, monitoring, or evaluating broadcast, online, or print media is classified as a task known as media monitoring. Media monitoring is also described as a systematic and methodical recording or transcribing of any type of media published whether it is online, via television or radio broadcasts, or printed materials.

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Media Monitoring - How It Work?

Media Monitoring is a valuable tool that many politicians and big companies utilize to understand the market and use the information they find to adjust their message or product so it is more appealing to the masses. With such vast competition out there it is essential that you understand this information so that you can one-up the other guys and build the large and loyal following that you’ve dreamed of.

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PR Measurement And How It’s Beneficial

PR Measurement is the way you can see how your advertising campaigns are bringing people into your website and what links they are clicking on to get there. It can be difficult to measure this type of activity on your own and you might find you need assistance. Fortunately there are companies that specialize in just this type of service that can help you.

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Thursday 9 April 2015

How To Use Media Monitoring To Boost Your Public Relations

Media monitoring is a system of obtaining information from various resources including radio and TV, press clippings and internet and social media.

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5 Reasons To Value Public Relations Measurement

The Measurement of Public Relations can be a tricky and illusory thing. One is reminded of the adage, “only half of the money I use on advertisement is useful, but the problem is, I don’t know which half.”

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Why Track Social Media?

Over the last few years there has literally been an explosion in the use of social media.

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